As a certified practitioner of Mind Body Medicine, I am very excited to offer Mind Body Self-Care Groups. Look here for the most recent Group opportunity.
STARTING SOON, Fall 2017…….6 week Women’s Group on Tuesday or Thursday evenings, 6:45-8:45 starting the week of September 26th and 28th!! Only 9 participants so call soon to save your place!!!
Mind Body Self-Care practices are the single most important and best documented way to deal with the stress that contributes to chronic illness. They are beneficial for any person, any age, that wants to deal with the stress of life, illness, major changes, or just wants to enrich and deepen the meaning of their lives.
The goal of a Mind-Body Self-Care Group series is to help you feel better and gain greater control and responsibility over your health. In a safe and supportive group environment, you will learn how to: appreciate the mind-body connection, understand the stress-symptom cycle, implement healthy lifestyle practices, incorporate relaxation techniques into daily life, change unhelpful thinking patterns,and strengthen social networks.
My Mind Body Self-Care Group Series is based on a powerful and effective combination of research based practices to help you deal with life changes in an intimate and supportive group setting. Medical science has now confirmed the link between emotions, thoughts and behaviors as an influence on our overall health. The skills you learn will help you explore, understand, even accept! your very personal emotions, thoughts and behaviors. You then can learn to make healthy choices in self-care that can lead to overall well being in your life. Feeling connected, feeling understood, gaining validation with our difficult emotions, increasing social networks are some of the many benefits to working in a group. Practicing expressing your authentic self with others in a safe and confidential setting can generate a sense of wholeness and groundedness in your life.
In your group, you will explore and learn many self-care techniques such as:
- Meditation
- Guided Imagery
- Autogenic training (Self Hypnosis)
- Biofeedback
- Breath Work
- Movement
- Sharing your experience with others
- Exploring self-awareness as you actively listen to others
My groups run between 6 and 12 weeks. Check the website for the most recent group offered.
All groups are modeled after The Center for Mind Body Medicine (www.cmbm.org) researched based protocol. This protocol is being used world wide to help many people dealing with the stress of war and trauma.
To schedule a pre-consultation appointment for any Group please contact me at [email protected].
See what past participants have experienced:
Susanna, thank you for offering the experience of your Mind Body Self-Care Group. I deeply appreciated your personal presence, guidance and leadership throughout the entire training. Each week, I looked forward to the next exercise with the knowledge that I was entering a safe place and that I would have another opportunity to know myself more deeply in some way. I knew that I was among a group of people who were willing to share their vulnerabilities openly, and courageously, and with whom I shared a deep trust and connection. That could not have happened without your compassion, openness to our needs and what you were witnessing, and taking care of each and every member of the group, minute to minute. You have a dynamic strength as a teacher and a healer. It seems to come so naturally to you. I guess that is because it is who you are. I am so grateful to have been a recipient of it. You have helped me in realizing a clearer understanding and acceptance of my true self. Even though I have practiced meditation for many years, the dynamics of your group and each member was a gift of knowing and intimacy that I will never forget. Thank you so much for creating it.
J.F. – artist
Susanna combined a perfect balance of theoretical framework with experiential group exercises that enhanced my overall group experience. She is truly a gifted clinician who provided a peaceful, supportive atmosphere that challenged me to access my unconscious knowledge and spiritual insight.
Deb – therapist
I would highly recommend Susanna’s mindfulness group. Susanna created a group experience that felt intimate and safe, a place where we could get in touch with our deepest emotions. I find that I am better able to manage strong emotions both in my personal life and in my work with families and children. Overall, since my experience in this group I feel more at ease and content with my day to day personal interactions and activities.
T.B. – family therapist
This group was extremely worthwhile. I find that I have continued to use the techniques I have learned in this group to increasing my ability to be mindful in both my professional and personal life.